My main dance education was with Barbara Cuckson who learnt from Gertrud Bodenwieser. My main dance role at the moment is as a consultant with Leap into Dance.

Barbara taught and supervised my first teaching certificates - one for children and one for adults. Then in 2020 I completed the Ausdance Skill Set for Teachers with Katrina Rank.

My main teaching was between 2000 and 2011 within my business at that time that was called Spring into Action. I combined my knowledge of expressive dance (from Barbara and Margaret Cuckson), Afro-jazz (from Anita Ardell) and bits and pieces of Spanish and classical, jazz and contemporary that I had picked up along the way.

Feel free to contact me about workshops or to join our EnjoyAble Arts WhatsApp group. See also snippets from the EnjoyAble Arts workbook.



