So you are booked in to some Occupational Therapy sessions or you are thinking about booking in for some.

You probably have a lot of things going on in your head and your life….you can’t change everything at once. You need to work out some priorities. Spending a bit of time answering these questions might help….

1) What are my values? Write your values from the list below and then ask yourself…what are my top 3 values?

2) Who am I? What do I do well and easily? What do other people think I do well? Use the list below and then….what are my top 3 characteristics?

3) What are all the possible things that could be a starting place? Write 5 to10 and then prioritise those ideas where “1” is important and urgent and “3” is not important nor urgent and “2” is important or urgent or a bit of both.

4) Choose one of the number “1” ideas and complete the statement: “If I addressed this issue or idea, I would have…..” And then go deeper: “If I had that I would have….” And then deeper again: “If I had that I would have…” This helps you know why you are focusing on this.

5) Now be curious about what are the benefits of keeping things just as they are? There are always benefits - this helps you know why it is hard to change.

Hopefully, this will already give you a sense that “change is in the air”….but if not that’s ok….we are all ambivalent about change - not being sure that we are ready is a big part of the change cycle - see the picture below.

I’ll gradually use this page to add some useful tips - but if you can’t wait feel free to book into an online session to explore further.